I spend my days working and after that I spend my days watching the Investigation Discovery Channel. Yesterday particularly, I saw an episode on Disappeared about a young woman named Colleen Wood. As you might already know I am fascinated with all this types of cold cases and I don't want to be left behind on trying to help solve a case. If you have any information on the missing person below contact Fort Lauderdale police or comment on my post.
Gender: Female
DOB: 12/2/47
Height: 5’0”
Weight: 115 to 120 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Gray and/or blonde
Remarks: Last seen 12/28/00
Colleen Wood was reported missing on April 16, 2001 by her son Michael Tandarich. She is originally from Ohio and was last seen in Fort Lauderdale. She was last heard from in late December of 2000.

Lets retrace her steps in the months prior to her disappearance. Approximately 14- 16 months before, Colleen Wood met a man by the name of John Paul in a personal ad which stated he was looking for a sailing companion. She was very impressed by this man and his achievements in life. He told her that he had an MBA from Harvard University and was a race car driver as well. After a whirlwind of romance and love, they were soon making plans to sail around the world in John's 55-foot schooner named Island Girl. Prior to going in their worldwide trip John convinced Colleen to sell her condo and her belongings as their was no need for them while out at sea. Colleen did just that and gave the profit of $43,000.00 to John for investment. Without knowing, doing just that she had sealed her fate.
Colleen Wood permanently moved in with John aboard the Island Girl. She called her son in Ohio, Michael on December 3, 2000 to let him know that they would be setting sail in a few weeks and she would be in touch with him soon. 10 days later a co-worker (Maureen Canada), spoke with Colleen to invite her to the office Christmas party. Colleen told her she was in Key West with John and that they were planning on going back and she would definitely be at the party. The Christmas party came and Colleen did not show up. Her son Michael hadn't heard from her also. They began to get worried. According to friends and family she would have called. Her son tried calling her but the account had been closed due to no payment. Michael contacted police, but there was no evidence of a crime being committed.
The Real John Paul

For the most part of January and February Michael Tandarich tracked down any possible sighting of the Island Girl calling the Coast Guard and the FCC. He spent time searching the internet hoping to find any information on John Paul, but what he discovered let him believe that family and Colleen didn't know John Paul at all. John Paul was involved in a drug smuggling ring in the early 80's and was portrayed as the mastermind. He had also tried to kill one of his partners, but failed. He was let out on parole just less than a year before Colleen met John. Michael was able to track down John Paul's daughter which she stated her father had called her saying Colleen got upset with him over an issue involving one of his prior girlfriends in which case she decided to end the relationship. Later Michael received a call from John Paul with a different story, stating that they argued and doesn't remember why and that Colleen had left. She then came back later that day with her football player boyfriend and took all her belongings and hasn't seen her since.
Into The Investigation

After the different versions of how Colleen had disappeared Michael gave it another attempt to file a missing persons report. Upon investigating the disappearance something finally came up four months after Colleen was last heard from. Their had been suspicious activity ranging from December to February, over 80 transaction withdrawing cash advances for a total of $40,000. Police knew it wasn't Colleen when they reviewed the ATM surveillance video. They were able to track down two girls that said that a man had paid them to withdraw money and would pay them a percentage of whatever they took out. There was also something suspicious about some ads that were purchased in December. One of the ads stated that it was looking for a first mate on a boat. The second ad was placed on the romance male seeking female section. Both of this ads where placed on or about December 16, 2000. Around the time that Colleen friend had contacted her for the Christmas party which she stated she was in Key West with John and that everything was fine. Investigators where finally able to track down John Paul and where given a third story to the disappearance. According to John , they had a huge fight in December over money that Colleen owed him and that she had made no attempt to repay him. Investigators grew suspicion when they noticed he had become rather nervous and was not compassionate on the fact that the woman he loved was missing. Despite the unusual behavior officials had no option, but to let him go. There was no physical evidence that tied John to the disappearance of Colleen. It wasn't until later had they found out that John had violated his parole. By the time that they returned back to look for him John Paul was gone. He apparently left U.S. soil and hasn't stepped back since. He changed the name on his boat from Island Girl to Diamond girl. John Paul has not been named a suspect on the Colleen case, but officials would like to question him again. If you have any information on his whereabouts please contact For Lauderdale Police.
somebody follow the sale of the boat.i'm a novice&i can see that.
ReplyDeleteParts of the story are obviously being withheld by police. Why on earth couldn't they get a description of the man who manipulated the two women into cleaning out Colleens bank account?
DeleteMost likely the boat won't be "For Sale" his MO of luring women to his "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" so what I learned is that this Devil is really the John Paul, Sr. the race car driver in REAL LIFE not an IMPOSTER? I'm stunned! SEIZE HIM MONKEYS! Justice needs to be served! From this article I ASS U ME D that it was an IMPOSTER but turns out it's him? YIKES!! Come on, the FBI should be monitoring his son's & daughter's phone calls as I suspect this killer of TWO women & almost one man is calling! http://www.chalicepaul.com/history.html He had another woman in a hotel room while on his honeymoon in Paris? He needs a SMACK DOW big time from FL for 33+ years (now HI) let me be FIRST in LINE!! I"m ANGRY.
DeleteI forgot the link: http://www.chalicepaul.com/history.html RIP two women
DeleteStar Mahi, please contact me through the web site www.chalicepaul.com
DeleteI just watched the story on ID (Disappeared), we all know, deep down inside, what happened.. John killed her, disposed of the body so it will never be found .. this story should be a lesson to other women.. don't be so hasty to fall in love.. check a guys background thoroughly before falling for him, and definitely don't go out to sea with anyone unless it's someone you've known all your life.
ReplyDeleteYou are correct according to my research, and going out to sea is such a risk for anyone to do especially a vulnerable woman with a volitile man!
DeleteExactly. It is very risky.
DeleteThere's no way I would want to be in the middle of the ocean with a total stranger. I would also prefer to have at least two other people on board.
so true. im watching the episode now. i dont even go to a guys home until ive known him a bit. dont let him come to mine either. a woman is raped every 2 minutes in the US. how can you not be wary of everyone?! selling everything & giving it to a new boyfriend to "invest"?! how naive. that was her first red flag. im surprised her family or best friends didnt jump on that & check him out, when they knew colleen's judgement was clouded with "love". shame. & the guy got away with it.
DeleteWhat is the name of the episode of disappeared? I watched half of it on tv and now I can't find it on the tube.
DeleteDark voyage
DeleteSeason 5/episode 85
Check out our new podcast on John Paul Jr's missing stepmother by going to chalicepaul.com or click on this link directly and more episodes to come. This story has a lot of interest in Hollywood, a story about a beautiful woman who went missing in 1981 and never got justice. The likely suspect is John Paul Sr. her legal husband at the time of her disappearance. Check it out at http://chalicepaul.com/chalicepauldisappeared-new/
Deletewell said @work home union.....yes this should serve as a lesson @anonymous cant do that if they dont know where its currently located....tanx u all for reading my blog i appreciate it!!
ReplyDeleteSo did the women who withdrew money from her account get arrested?
ReplyDeletethey were only questioned but had nothing to pin them to her dissapearance.......
Deletethey were only questioned but had nothing to pin them to her dissapearance.......
DeleteJohn Paul Sr. is also responsible for his former wife, Chalice Paul back in 1981 and she to was last seen with John Paul Sr. in Key West. The same M.O was used I am sure and you can read the whole story on her web site at chalicepaul.com and also she has a FB page titled Chalice Paul- Missing Person. One thing is for sure, John Paul Sr. will be extradited and stand trial for the disappearance of Colleen Wood.
DeleteThank you....I will definitely take a look at it!
DeleteTake example Ladies... when you meet a guy who treats you like it is '...too good to be true' DON'T TRUST HIM. 1st, (covertly) get his fingerprints; then 2nd spend a couple of hundred for a background check. Lastly, invite him to spend the evening with some male friends of yours (maybe relatives) because they are passing through town. A few hours with guys will give them an idea of what he is really like. DO NOT TRUST your own judgement OR your own heart.
ReplyDeleteBe Safe...
Hi Lynn,
DeleteYou are so right in all the above but there are other ways to find out too,check out all the family members and Social Network sites, Property Appraisers where they live or lived. Court records both civil and criminal, Mugshots.com and sites that post people that were in prison. Then call people to interview like neighbors, friends on FB, past employees. Then you can ask your future love interest point blank questions to see his reaction, if he can not look you in the eyes and looks away then he is lying!
I have watched the ID show, & read numerous articles re this case. Forgive me, but I am confused about one thing. If Chalice Paul is missing also then who is posting on this site as Chalice Paul ???? ???
DeleteI worked with Colleen back when she was in Ohio. Colleen wasn't a careless person. This can happen to anyone. I feel for her family. Especially her son. I hope that a resolution to this case is found so that her family may have peace.
ReplyDeleteHi wildchild, your right colleen was not careless, and I know her younger son still suffers, because he is my dad. John Paul stole apart of me and my brothers life and I fear we will never get justice or know what happened to my grandmother. I miss her.
DeleteHello Anonymous! Tell your family I send my best and I am doing my best for your family and Chalices to get this SOB extradited and brought back to stand trial for Colleen's disappearance. Go to Chalice Paul-Missing Person On Facebook and click Likes as now we are over 3051 likes so that means from July of 2012 when we built this page that amount of people read and saw and liked. Also go to chalicepaul.com to read the whole story. A lot has happened recently so read please the FB page and mine too. The show on ID Network, Disappeared and titled Dark Voyage got a lot of skeptical people to believe that John Paul Sr. is a sick individual and responsible for both women and who knows how many more have been thrown overboard with an anchor wrapped around them!!
DeleteI watch the show as well as other crime shows also. These ar real, and not some reality, phony show. I don't want to sound insensitive, but in Colleen's case as in many others, mid life crisis, divorce, loss of job, etc, is a precursor to let go of the past in an effort to adventure out. Meeting new people and trusting them without doing background checks, and or looking for acquaintances of the person should not be overlooked. So, I feel sorry for her and her family and friends, but, I'm also critical of women especially. and in their retirement years that are so vulnerable. It's as if they are so vulnerable and gullible, and thinking like teenagers is beyond my comprehension. I would tell anyone, especially women, children, and teenagers to always be smart and avoid being alone with strangers, and you have to be on guard because you never know. Educating everyone to the unexpected dangers that can happen at anytime, anywhere, and to anyone is not something to take for granted.
DeleteI watched the episode on ID yesterday also. It's distressing to know that someone could take such advantage of another person who they had such high regards for. Women need to do their homework indeed and to lead with their heads and not their hearts; I've being there and done that so I can relate...I know and do better now. My heart goes out to her family and pray that she will return to them somehow.
DeleteIf I was colleens family I wouldn't be happy with a lot of what's happened here! I mean the bank continued to allow money $40,000 dollars to be withdraw with a few months,knowing it was unusual activity? Ok they tried calling but after being told she didn't work there anymore, the account should of been frozen until colleen did make contact! the fact he got all her money aswell as kiliing her is sickening... also come on, how much 'circumstantial' evidence do the police need? They know it was him using her cards etc, plus adv for another woman before they had even left for there trip?... Oh and not the mention the fact... EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO HIS PREVIOUS WIFE??? Come on... lock that pig up!
DeleteYou lost all credibility when you wrote a young woman named Colleen Wood. She was born in 1947. Young woman? At what point do you consider someone middle aged or elderly super sleuth?
ReplyDeleteWell, it isn't of much importance to me when she was born or how old she was. She was living her life when she disappeared so her age does not matter to me as long as I get my point through. I am not trying to disrespect anybody when I write my blogs but your opinion is appreciated. Thanks anyways.
DeleteThat is my sister you're assuming was an old lady. She was only 52 when she disappeared. You must be quite young to think that 52 is old. No matter what age we are, we're all young at heart. No matter what age a person is, they do not want to die, they will do anything to survive. I know my sister was a fighter, and did everything in her power to live, but this evil man prevailed. So he thinks!!!!!! In the end he will lose FOREVER.
DeleteAnonymous.....my condolences to you and your family and hope someday justice may be brought
DeleteI thought I posted this message before but it got deleted about the comment, super sleuth from Anonymous on April 26th. Are you related to John Paul Sr? Just wondering? It sounds pretty condensending on your part with your comments, what an ass!
DeleteYour point is? Whether she's young,old,or middle aged, doesn't make any difference?.. no-one has the right to take anyone's life!she was a much loved family member, Who is greatly missed by many people, no I didn't know her I don't even live in the same country, but heartless pointless comments like yours makes me sad... let's hope a tragedy like this never happens to anyone you care about eh?.... God bless the small minded arrogant people of the world...
DeleteI just caught this story on "Disappeared" for the second time in a year. So spooky! I hope there is a resolution to this through a confession by John Paul before he meets his maker. Although it wouldn't bring Colleen's family closure, it would help them cope with it a bit.
ReplyDeleteI was Chalice's room-mate back in the day and I've been looking for her forever. Sadly, I now know what happened. I feel Chalice and Colleen are not the only victims of this man. I'm going to honor Chalice by telling her tale to anyone who will listen --and even some who won't want to do so.
ReplyDeleteAll you comments are greatly appreciated. It gives me pleasure to know that my stories are getting read little by little but surely....tanx to everyone and of course my condolences are always given to the families of any victim.
ReplyDeleteChalice Paul's Missing Persons page on Facebook had it's one year aniversary on July 7th and over 30,000 people viewed the last posting and we are up to 7,180 Likes on her page total. This is amazing seeing how no one even knew her or know she was missing or even married to John Paul Sr. I hope this brings justice to her and Colleen Wood's disappearance and hope that they capture and return John Paul Sr. to stand trial in Fort Lauderdale for Colleen's disappearance.
ReplyDeleteIs this a family member who runs this FB page? When his former wife vanished so did other people. about 4 others I think. Have you read anything on this matter...related to drugs?
DeleteAugust 31st was Chalice Paul's 66th birthday if she was still alive. We are up to 8,564 Likes on her Facebook page and it is still growing in numbers. Let's hope for justice for both women, Colleen Wood and Chalice Paul.
ReplyDeleteEven higher now. I just liked her page. I can't velieve he has been missing since 2001
DeleteGirls, don't be impressed by a guy's money or all he can give you. If he starts to not treat you well, run for the hills. Don't give your money to someone you just met. Step back and analyze things. Sometimes it's hard to do. If something seems like a dream or fantasy, it probably is...Life is hard work. Better to find a poor man who treats you well. Have more accomplishments than the guy so he admires you.
ReplyDeletejohn Paul used Colleen to take her money, and then killed her.
ReplyDeleteIf John Paul had told me to sell my things i would have responded with "F---- You, and left him.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching the show on ID right now and was hoping that they had found John Paul by now.
ReplyDeleteThey have he is just out of reach for the US station to have the legal rights to go after him.
DeleteDon't ever trust a guy no matter how cute he is or nice he is
ReplyDeleteTo never trust a guy based on looks and how he treats you can sounds too extreme. I would say never put yourself in a position where he can take advantage of you, ie being alone is something never to take lightly, even if he's cute,,nice, trusting, and the like. Kissing, touching, fondling, and especially if both of you are involved intently, is giving the wrong impression, so if you don't won't to go to the next level...squash it. One thing leads to another is the order of the day.
DeleteThis episode is on as I write this. I truly believe that they had done some sailing to make it look good to her and then while out of the country, he had killed her and disposed of her at sea or even if they are lucky in a different country. He had all his belongings. How there is NO evidence of wrongdoing is beyond me since just possessing things that belong to another and that other person is no longer around. People do not just leave their things like that especially things like the PC which had all credit info and passwords. While being formerly jailed for drugs, that is not the same as murder but shows he has some criminal behavior within him. He also is a user and a person who will find innocent women, take them for all they have and be done with them. If he did NOTHING wrong why will he NOT speak to the police. If anything, he should come forward and allow her family have some closure to this case.
ReplyDeleteIs this the same Colleen Wood that was a cheerleader and homecoming queen at Springfield High School?
ReplyDeleteYes - this is the same Colleen Wood that was a cheerleader and homecoming queen at Springfield High School.
DeleteChalice Paul Missing Person has reached over 11,000 likes on Facebook and still growing, it is working and hopefully it will help with Colleen Wood's investigation and her family too. We feel we are getting closer to getting the recognition long overlooked and highly deserved finally!
ReplyDeleteBoth Chalice Paul and Colleen Wood's vanished after associating with John Paul Sr.? What about his son John Paul Jr? Do you know his whereabouts? Was Chalice Paul his wife? When the drug situation went south there were others that also vanished who knew Jr and Sr. These men know how to make people vanish.... Are you also following or have you done research on this? https://apnews.com/f8c1ac4a8312e4f5d3c466d9c2f2a446
DeleteIt is clear Colleen got completely caught up in the idea of John Paul's lifestyle and the premise of financial and material security... Sadly, she also seemed to abandon any kind of caution and better judgment. Women of her age that are widows or single can become lonely and crave someone to be with. That is why so many women that age are preyed upon. Colleen seemed to be partially spoiled and innocent.. I do not want to call her naive and stupid or at least I do not want to believe her to be that. Anybody from an outside perspective could see this situation wasn't all that safe. She had no clue who this man was or his history. He served 15 years in jail for attempted murder and his info was a google search away. Shows how much she was caught up with John Paul. She didnt question him for a minute and Im sure JP was very manipulative. I really hope Colleen can receive justice. WE all know John Paul killed her and he needs to pay. Whether Colleen made a foolish mistake or not, she didnt deserve to die for it. I think there were critical mistakes made on both the family's side and in law enforcement. Sad story that I hope finds closure.
ReplyDeleteColleen had a dream of one day sailing around the world. John Paul the murderer played on her dream. We don't know if he is still alive today, but I do know two families have suffered at the hands of this man. I pray that John Paul is suffering or has suffered in some way. I hope the family get justice or closer soon.
ReplyDeleteI think, John Paul Sr, should be taken on a "Sea Cruise", in shark infested waters where his old feeble body is 'helped' in falling overboard.
ReplyDeleteThe writing is on the wall on this one: [or should I say it's written in the sand at the bottom of the ocean?!]
"Vengence is mine, sayeth the Lord."
I hope he is on the most wanted list! What a sad story. I just saw it today on Discovery.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world does this ugly sob get to hook up with these 2 beautiful women!? Thats some crazy BS right there. May God bless the families os these 2 women.
ReplyDeleteI was brought to this site through an unidentified murder that dates to 1976 in sumpter south carolina.
ReplyDeleteIf you google unidentified couple sumpter.....websleuths will pop up. On theist recent page, someone links. John Paul to those murders and his racing...need to look for something like page 6. The recent comments.
Pray for justice for all!
The family needs to hire a bounty hunter. They break laws to get justice unlike the police and US Marshall service who can't. Get the guy on a boat and port him to US territory. Then call the cops anonymously and tell them whose in town. What's John Boy gonna' do? He's probably killed more women and dumped them in the ocean since 2001. Think about future victims.
ReplyDeleteI think they should've gone to the place she was last seen and search the waters.
DeleteOkay, I just read the latest entries, so a lot of people are thinking the same way Chalice Paul's family is....why did John Paul Sr. not get arrested when they went to question him in 2001 about Colleen Wood? Was it a jurisdiction problem? He was questioned in an Islamorada, Florida marina where his sailboat was dry docked. He was on parole and was suppose to be working with his son on car repairs (according the their newly formed corporation) so he was in violation already of parole being the Keys? Plus both women, Chalice Paul and Colleen Wood were last seen with him there? I think this is a case of sloppy police work if you ask me.
DeleteHiring a Bounty Hunter requires $$$$$$$$ Anybody got the kind of money they want to get this guy?.. Why doesn't someone place a call to DOG The Bounty hunter.. See if he is willing to go find this guy?
ReplyDeleteOkay, I just read the latest entries, so a lot of people are thinking the same way Chalice Paul's family is....why did John Paul Sr. not get arrested when they went to question him in 2001 about Colleen Wood? Was it a jurisdiction problem? He was questioned in an Islamorada, Florida marina where his sailboat was dry docked. He was on parole and was suppose to be working with his son on car repairs (according the their newly formed corporation) so he was in violation already of parole being the Keys? Plus both women, Chalice Paul and Colleen Wood were last seen with him there? I think this is a case of sloppy police work if you ask me.
DeleteWhy didn't those boys check his background before she left with John just common since. Boys are protective of their mothers i know they are taking this hard
ReplyDeleteGood idea...and a mother would be thinking the same if one of her children was in a similar situation. I believe that you can't take things for granted. Protect yourself, be pro active...carry something. I don't won't to suggest carrying a gun, or pepper spray, a knife...make a decision so you won't second guess yourself.
DeleteWhy was he not arrested for the theft of her money? At least he would have been in jail!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I just read the latest entries, so a lot of people are thinking the same way Chalice Paul's family is....why did John Paul Sr. not get arrested when they went to question him in 2001 about Colleen Wood? Was it a jurisdiction problem? He was questioned in an Islamorada, Florida marina where his sailboat was dry docked. He was on parole and was suppose to be working with his son on car repairs (according the their newly formed corporation) so he was in violation already of parole being the Keys? Plus both women, Chalice Paul and Colleen Wood were last seen with him there? I think this is a case of sloppy police work if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteNews Flash!! John Lee Paul Sr. DOB is actually 03-12-1939 not 12-03-1939 as the Department of Corrections has him listed as March 12, 1939. He has numerous identities and DOB's. He is communicating with his son's through social media and we know all the players here. I think the Malaysian government needs to be notified now by the FBI and US Marshal Service. If you are reading this then go get him now!
ReplyDeleteNews Flash!! John Lee Paul Sr. DOB is actually 03-12-1939 not 12-03-1939 as the Department of Corrections has him listed as March 12, 1939. He has numerous identities and DOB's. He is communicating with his son's through social media and we know all the players here. I think the Malaysian government needs to be notified now by the FBI and US Marshal Service. If you are reading this then go get him now!
ReplyDeleteI just saw the movie in Investigation Discovery, and I put out his picture and this story on my Facebook site. I got friends all over the world. John Lee Paul Sr is a bastard and I would mind a second to see him behind bars for the rest of his pathetic life. Buy the way I live in Sweden. And we have a lot of oceans where people like to sail. So maybe John is stupid enough to come here.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ramona for your blog entry. Keep you eyes open for more media coverage on Colleen Wood and Chalice Paul.
DeleteThanks Ramona for your blog entry. Keep you eyes open for more media coverage on Colleen Wood and Chalice Paul.
DeleteJust watching the show on crime investigation channel in the uk. How on earth has this evil bastard not been apprehended? He's clearly of the same narcissistic personality disorder type as multiple wife killer Sgt Drew Peterson. Condolences to all the friends and families of Chalice and Colleen (and no doubt other victims, too). If he can't be apprehended by law enforcement, somebody please put a bullet in this POS. And SOON.
ReplyDeleteI just saw the episode on Unsolved Mysteries. It is ridiculously obvious that John Paul was behind the 'disappearance' of Colleen. It's a crime that he's still out there and potentially hurting other people.
ReplyDeletePoor colleen. She should have done a background check on him. I wish she would have been more streetwise.
ReplyDeleteThank you Unknown and Dan Lee Sullivan,
DeleteNever give up on justice or hope. Eventually wile will have closure.
Justice for chalice as well.
ReplyDeleteJustice for colleen and chalice.
ReplyDeleteThank you Dan!
DeleteMy wife, Lisa has been diligently working on trying to get justice for both Colleen Wood and Chalice Paul. She had built a website at www.chalicepaul.com and there is now a comment page if anyone wants to read the history and links pages to make a comment. She recently did the video portion to a podcast called Crime in Sports Episode #37 about John Paul Sr. it is quite interesting as she was able to uncovered archived information on John Paul Sr. including his real name when he came to America as a kid. Please take the time to watch and listen to this audio/video as you will find it most titillating. God bless the missing and God bless these two women.
ReplyDeleteWe need to give an update to view the Youtube video to give you a visual aid to the Crimes in Sports Episode #37 the story about John Paul Sr. This took myself and my editor months to produce this so you know the truth about our recent findings. For one, John Paul Sr. given name is not Johan Hans Paul but it is Johan Leandert Paul when he was born. Much more to learn. Go to the this link at https://youtu.be/mtIAa1Kg7l4
ReplyDeleteSee my comment below for today. Did you know these women? Have you research anything else on this man and other people he was connected with ?
What was the name of the person John Paul Sr killed and went to jail? He was also charged with his son I believe for drug/ money laundering. Does anyone know the whereabouts of John Paul Jr? These people are masters at the vanishing came. They made 5 people vanish years before this...so many secrets the police and FBI could not find or just covered up and didn't tell families. If John Paul Sr. is still alive he would be a very old man.
ReplyDeleteSteve Carson.
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